Friday, January 16, 2009

First Combine meeting of the year...

Ahoy crew,
Tomorrow will be our first meeting of the year & as usual it will be held in school, combined with the troop. Please inform the rest if you read this post. My apologies for the late busy as a bee with school & baby & my new soccer CCA!

  1. Break flag together with troop (double flag staff please, Otter can help me see to that please)
  2. Viewing of past year activity photos as usual
  3. Planning of new Ex-co
  4. Planning & info on upcoming crew activities
  5. AOB
  6. Lower flag
  7. Lunch (need to be home by 3pm as expecting visitors for baby!)

Looking forward for tomorrow when the sea will overshadow the seaweeds (hopefully all ventures are present)

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