Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Hoi guys,

remember to select 5 station games (I like 1 of the D-camp games where they have to pour water into a cup)...remember the games must be for CCA leadership training!

1) The pupils are leaders of their CCAs & the age group range from 10 yrs old to 12 yrs old.

2) Some of them maybe last year's leaders so I hope not to repeat ALL the games.

3) Look at the pics of last year's games. You may ask Panda or Wombat.

If I can recall,

a) we played minesweeper (that's fun),

b) river crossing with chairs,

c) a pail of water endurance game,

d) memory game (Kim's game),

e) get the pail out of the poison river using a given rope.

My apologies for not knowing the names!!!
So meet me at my school at 830am sharp at the front gate in full u or else no enrey & no FOOD! We'll be doing the stations in the canteen this year. I try to get the number of pupils...should be around 25 to 30 pupils. We should have 1 hour plus to finish 5 stations so we can go home by 1pm. Then I need to be off to my Chingay paprade!!!

Oh yah, I need a representative for this Saturday's District Venture meeting at Greenview. Any senior crew want to go? I need at least 1 or maybe 2 lah. If Heron can't go, then I really need the crew representative. Kookabura & Grumbling Squirrel will host the meeting.

I'll call you guys about tomorrow's meeting, maybe I skip my night swim. I have a course in school til 5pm.

And take consent forms from Mr Ralph for goodness sake! Be responsible ventures can or not!

Yours in venturing,
Roving Ferret

Thursday, February 7, 2008

greetings from the jedi7

First of all,

Wishing all stags a Happy pRosPeRous LunaR nEw yEAr!

Welcome to the crow's nest, whereby I'll have updates on crew meetings & agendas. I'll also post pics that I took of activities. GOOD ones that is...
I've placed a small chat box so we could discuss meaningful things online or leave wishes blablabla...hope you all use it with respect BY writing your name (scout name or real name or ensigna that we know its YOU)!